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    Online Submission
    Before submission
    Before submission, please make sure your manuscript conforms to the following criteria:
    1. Clear intellectual property rights (IPR): datasets that the manuscript describes should possess clear IPR, which means authors of the manuscript have, or are authorized to have, the discretion to share the datasets.
    2. High data quality: datasets that the manuscript describes should observe a rigorous production/processing method, coupled with effective quality control measures. Sufficient introduction should be made to the measures, as well as other information including the production background, content composition, data volume and data format of the dataset described.
    3. Proper dataset preparation: when submitting, authors should deposit complete datasets in a recognized data repository (data should be well organized, conform to the agreed rules of the industry, and provide long-term and stable open access) for reviewers’ and readers' convenience.
    4. A cover photo is required for each submission, and the photo should be uploaded as an attachment.
    5. Special circumstances: information concerning privacy and public security will not be considered. 

    6. Images involving national or provincial boundaries should be in accordance with the latest standard base map as released by Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China ( http://bzdt.ch.mnr.gov.cn/ ). Images certified by authorities or drawn by certified cartographers will also be accepted.

    Submission requirements
    1. Manuscripts should describe datasets in full details, containing information that can facilitate readers' understanding and reuse. Information should include collection and processing method, sample description, quality control and assessment, data value, usage notes, and so forth. However, manuscripts should not contain any scientific hypothesis, new ideas or scientific methods – elements that belong to research articles. For article style and components, please refer to article template.
    2. Manuscripts should be original, with a complete structure, reliable data, reasonable argumentation, and high readability. Each block or section should be crafted according to our standard format, supplemented with complete information consistent with the metadata of deposited datasets.
    3. Authors are responsible for all contents of their article. Plagiarism, infringement and other misconducts are strictly prohibited. By submission, authors agree that the manuscript has not been published, or is not under consideration elsewhere. Translated works will not be considered.
    How to submit
    1.We only accept online submission, so please submit your manuscript online through the journal's platform: m.dongsan1004.com.
    2. During submission, authors are required to deposit their datasets in a recognized repository (e.g., ScienceDB) for the convenience of editors and reviewers.
    3.After submission, authors can trace the status of their submitted article by logging into the platform's User Center – Author Center.
    Review and publishing
    1. Rigorous peer review: the review procedure includes editorial screening, data review, peer review (public review), re-review, and editorial decision.
    2. Zone I & Zone II: articles will be publicized in Zone I for peer and public review, after editorial screening (including data review). Those accepted by the journal will be published formally at the editors’ discretion.
    3. Prompt online publishing: all reviews and feedback will be publicized online at this platform. We endeavor to get articles published in a timely manner. Authors can expect initial feedback within 5 – 10 days from submission. High quality articles will be publicized in Zone I within 10 – 15 days from submission, and the whole review process from submission to formal publishing, which means articles transferred to Zone II, usually takes 2.5 – 4 months.
    4. Articles published by China Scientific Data shall observe the online publishing, dissemination and reuse agreements by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
    Publication charges
    A publication fee of ¥4000 will be charged on manuscripts accepted by China Scientific Data. It covers:
    1. Page charges, including peer review by two or more experts, Chinese and English language editing service, graphic design and typesetting, multi-version (html/PDF) online stable service, and database indexing.
    2. Data curation fee, including ten-year standard data storage (up to 10 GB), a stable digital object identifier (DOI), normalized metadata and data description.
    3. Please contact csdata@cnic.cn for data deep-processing and value-added services, fee waiver policy and other long-term data curation services.