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    A Statement on Publication Ethics and Academic Misconduct

    To promote research integrity and ethics among the scientific community, we, the Editorial Office of China Scientific Data, hereby issue a statement on publication ethics and academic misconduct in compliance with relevant state and international policies and regulations. With a rapid proliferation of research work, it is more important than ever that we continue promoting a healthy ecological environment for fair, equal, and open academic exchange, which has been vital for the robust development of sciences. In this statement, we have taken into consideration the journal’s peculiarities, with reference to the State Council’s “Administrative Measures for Scientific Data” (2018), the China Association for Science and Technology’s “Ethical Standards for Scientific Journal Publishing” (2019), the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines, among others. The statement offers guidance on the publication procedures ranging from manuscript submission to review and editing, which we hope can be helpful for guiding the work of our authors, reviewers and editors. Being advocates of transparent procedures, we welcome constructive feedback and critical voices from the publics.     

    1. Publishing Ethics for Authors

    Unless otherwise stated, all the data papers are published open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

    (1)All manuscripts shall describe datasets produced through the authors’ original research work, and the dataset(s) described shall be original, reliable, intelligible and complete. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure no fabricated, falsified, or biased data and description in their submission. All the work submitted to China Scientific Data and Science Data Bank shall not violate academic integrity and ethics. Any forms of academic misconduct, including but not limited to plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, distortion, authorship misconduct, duplicate submission or publication, are strictly prohibited.   
    (2)Authors own the property rights of the datasets submitted and published on this site and its associated repositories. All submissions shall contain an agreed authorship list in an order that reflects the authors' contributions. In principle, the person who submits the dataset(s) shall be one of its owners.  
    (3)All data submissions shall be in compliance with related laws, regulations and policies. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their datasets contain no disclosure of any confidential contents, no invasion of human privacy, biological safety, or public security.
    (4)All open data submissions shall abide by industry-specific regulations, in conformity with the policies and requirements of their sponsor institutions.
    (5)All authors agree on open data sharing as mandated by the journal once their paper is published, at which time they will be asked to provide a Statement on Data Usage. Exceptions can be made in certain special circumstances.
    (6)All datasets described by the manuscript shall be stored in a professional data repository recognized by the journal.  
    (7)It is important that acknowledgments be made when the author cites an argument, finding or dataset from elsewhere other than the authors' own original work. Sources of funding shall also be specified unless it is related to a confidential research project.  
    (8)It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submission contains no violation of intellectual property rights of a third party and no infringement of information security. Authors will be asked to sign an agreement once their paper is accepted.
    (9)Author names shall be listed in an order as per their contributions to their work, which shall be agreed among themselves. The first author, or the corresponding author in certain cases, shall be responsible for the overall research quality, integrity and reliability of their research work, as well as the authenticity of the authors and contributions information. Anyone who has made substantial contribution shall be included in the author list, and their contributions shall be specified in the “Authors and Contributions” section. In principal, the author list and order cannot be modified once submission is made. In special circumstances, however, we allow the first author, or the corresponding author, to submit a written request with signature describing their case. The new author list and order shall be agreed among all the contributors. Final changes are subject to the decision of the Editorial Office.
    (10)Authors should seriously consider, address and respond to the comments and to be in dialogue with their peer reviewers. They are encouraged to appeal to the Editorial Office in case of any disagreements.  

    2. Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers

    (1)When reviewing CSD submissions, reviewers shall adhere to the journal’s scholarly standards and reviewer specifications, and treat each submission with fairness and disinterestedness. No infringement of the authors’ rights.

    (2)Reviewers shall review manuscripts in a timely manner and propose comments as detailed and constructive as possible in a way which can help the authors improve their work. Reviewer comments shall convey scientific value and accuracy. No discriminatory, derogatory, or insulting languages that show any abuse of the authors. Reviewers are expected to return and submit their comments before a set deadline, or to inform the editors in advance if any difficulty.

    (3)Reviewers shall keep confidential the authors’ research contents. Any appropriation of the authors’ achievements shall constitute a serious violation of ethics which is strictly prohibited.

    (4)Reviewers should reject to review a manuscript if they have a conflict of interest, typically under a competitive or collaborative relationship, with the authors or affiliations associated with the submission.

    3. Publishing Ethics for Editors

    (1)As editors, we take seriously each submission, treat it with fairness, and manage its peer review and publishing process in a timely fashion. All editors’ work abides by COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

    (2)As editors, we adhere to the state laws and regulations on academic publication; we are dedicated to implementing a rigorous review, proofreading and editing process for all submissions. Submissions shall be sent out for blind review upon editorial screening. All accepted papers are subject to similarity check.

    (3)As editors, we are dedicated to protecting the authors’ intellectual property rights. We shall not disclose to an irrelevant party any information related to the submission before it is published. We shall keep confidential the content of each submission. Any infringement of the authors’ rights is strictly prohibited. All review records are authentic and confidential, traceable at the journal's author center, including reviewer comments, author response, editors' decisions, etc., which shall not be disclosed to an irrelevant party.   

    (4)As editors, we try every means to meet publication specifications.

    (5)As editors, we endeavor to seek constructive comments for each submission. We value different perspectives and encourage authors to elaborate their viewpoints in their response letter, including disagreements if any.

    (6)As editors, we value all types of scholarly critiques and encourage all forms of open discussion.